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It’s not all Glits and Glam

I can only speak from my personal experience but believe me when I say, there is more to being a Beauty Pagaent Queen than walking in high heels and looking pretty.

When I was initially titled Miss Ebony Ambassador 2017, I thought Wait?!! What??!! Me?!!

It was like when David in the Bible was anointed to become the King of Israel because I was the unlikely candidate.

I was just happy to have participated, as I had stepped out of my comfort zone and faced my fear of public speaking. Although on the night of the event, I didn’t speak perfectly but I did my best.

I was grateful to be given the title after all my hard work but had no idea what kind of responsibility would follow.

The next week, I was invited by Britafrique to attend an event at The House of Commons on the subject of the rise of Knife and crime.

I felt like my life had changed overnight. It was a great feeling, I had been elevated from my current position and it was a real honour.

As time went on, I began to realise that in order to fulfil my role there were a lot of sacrifices that I was going to have to make. One being my time. That’s when my struggle with my self began.

What did I sign up for? Can I really do this?

These questions disturbed my soul.

The life of a Beauty Pageant Queen is one of Service and my own selfishness got in the way. I wanted to stay within my comfort zone and continue living life on my terms.

Of course it’s impossible to be at every single event but effort goes a long way.

The Lord has really been speaking to me through 1 Samuel 16. Particularly, how he looks at the heart and not the outward appearance.

People will judge you by the clothes that you wear and your physical appearance but all God really cares about is whether or not your heart is in the right position.

Can I use this person? Are they disciplined? Are they humble? Do they really care about the cause and the people or do they just care about the title?

These are the things that I believe God looks at before giving anyone a position or title.

So ask yourself.

When people meet me what impression do I leave them with?

If I was a tree could they eat my fruit, or will it leave a bitter taste in their mouths?

Do I have the fruits of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control.

A few months have passed by and I’ve been reminded why I entered in the first place.

I wanted a platform that I could use to make a difference in the lives of others as I’m passionate about International Development.

A couple of weeks ago, I was blessed to have been invited to Miss Pride of Africa UK where I got to sit amongst the other royals (crowned Kings and Queens). I was honoured to give an award to the new Queen.

I was able to listen to their future campaigns. One was an event on mental health awareness a subject that is so dear to my heart having had similar issues in the past.

I’m yet to meet a Queen that is ignorant of the fact that being a Queen is a call to service.

I sat in admiration as I listened to the former Miss Pride of Africa speak about the homeless people that she was able to help in Zimbabwe and Nigeria.

I want to encourage anyone that is thinking of entering a pageant to take it seriously.

Before anyone receives a crown (or any other reward) there is something that they have sacrificed.

The price of success is discipline. So ask yourself am I willing to deal with all the responsibility that comes with being a winner? Can I handle people’s critical perceptions of me? Am I ready to deal with the negative perception I have of myself? Am I doing this for the right reason?

These are all questions that I’ve had to ask myself.

Another thing that I’m learning: You don’t have to be given a title to be a Queen.

Being a Queen is who you are on the inside.

God forbid but if my crown gets taken away today. I will not fall apart. I will know that I am a Queen not because man says so but because God has said so.

In a world where your identity is usually defined by your title or qualifications. It takes a great level of maturity to think like this and the more earthly titles you’re given the more difficult it gets.

Please if you find yourself given a position… Believe that you are qualified for that position regardless of what you think of yourself or what others say.

You don’t have to live up to that position. You just have to walk in it till it becomes as natural as breathing.

Know that comparison is a stealer of joy, learn from others but don’t let them make you feel small.

Know that YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) so learn to be the best version of yourself not somebody else.

So I’ll leave you with those two points.

1. Queens Serve. 2. Be yourself because you are enough.




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