So at the beginning of the year I was supposed to write a post entitled ’12 months of gratitude.’ It was so that I would become conscious of Gods goodness in my life because I so easily forget. Let me be transparent for a moment. Last year didn’t really end with a bang! So I never got round to doing it.
However, I recently heard a testimony from a lady at an event that I went to who encouraged us to keep a box full of things that we are grateful for. I really like when people are creative and intentional about their walk with God, something I desire to see more in myself.
After some incredible lows I finally opened up to a friend who was very encouraging, not only did she bless my bank account but she also spoke the word of God to me. She had sent me a message to listen to and after I listened to it, I had more peace because I realised that ‘life is supposed to be hard.’ I will put the link at the end of this post.
Lately, I’ve been on this journey of accepting pain instead of running away from it. I’ve accepted that sometimes you have to suffer and if you are going through a hard time at the moment it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are doing something wrong. You may actually be doing a lot of things right, there’s a verse in the bible that says something about ‘suffering for doing good.’ Suffering is supposed to bring us closer to Christ. I posted something earlier that said that we have a high priest who is able to sympathise with us in our weaknesses because he literally went through the very same things we do.
I’ve taken my time to write this because I don’t want to try to teach anyone something that I haven’t mastered so this is very new to me but… I have often heard people say thank God in the midst of trials but I’ve never heard someone say thank God for your trials.
I think there is a huge difference and it takes a lot of maturity to say God I thank you for what I’m going through. I thank you for the pain. It actually sounds a bit mad, to the world you might look like some kind of sadist. I mean, who likes pain?
Nonetheless, I think that this is a great attitude to have in reverence to God, when you get to a place where you say thank you Lord for what you view as blessings and for the suffering and pain because it might not actually really be evil or bad. Afterall, It pleased God to crush Jesus, what appears wicked to men might just be Gods mercy and kindness.
Its all a bit baffling but those are my thoughts undiluted. This is my mug of gratitude and by the 31st of December I will surely say ‘my cup runneth over’ unless of course I forget to write things down. It is based on the scripture in psalms 103:2 bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits.

I’ve written down a few ‘blessings’ so far this year big and small. I hope that I will also have the courage to add the ‘trials.’
In all things give thanks for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus! 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
Amen, Praise the Lord!
Here’s the link to the message that I was telling you about.