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‘One of them days’

I had ‘one of them days’ yesterday; you know what I’m talking about right? You know one of those that start off fantastic but in the end things just don’t go to plan. One of those days where you panic and say ‘God what are you doing?’ Have you ever had one of those days before? I sure have and today was one of them.

So let me tell you what happened, I woke up was messaging some people, listened to the Bible in a Year on my phone, went to the gym, came home was about to make some pancakes when suddenly my phone slipped from my grasp, fell to the floor and the screen cracked again. I know annoying right? What upset me most was that I had just got it back after 2 months and I had paid 70 pound to get my screen fixed.

You can imagine how devastated I was when it broke again. I think that I even shed some tears but I was quick to be like ‘I’m going to take it back to the shop’ I really tried to stay in the spirit but I was so tempted to just give up on life. I was tempted to say you know what ‘I’m not going into work today’, I said ‘God I don’t know how I’m going to survive the next two weeks with no money and now no phone’ but the thing with God you see, He always makes a way if you trust him.

I said ‘Forget the pancakes’ and headed straight to the phone shop, I got a little side-tracked and thought ‘perhaps if I get an overdraft I can afford to get my phone fixed but the Bank were being long and I didn’t have the patience at the time. Teary eyed I went to the phone shop to negotiate with the guy who fixed my phone who just said a lot of stuff that I didn’t want to hear. Eventually, he said that he would fix it for free if I provided the screen (has this guy seen my bank account?). I went to work and just had to push my feelings aside and after work I decided to go to Islington fellowship where I usually attend on Monday evenings.

It’s weird because if this was a few weeks ago I would have been like ‘bun fellowship I’m sad, I’m going to drown my sorrows’ (basically stay at home and be miserable) but God has taught me that ‘within his house lies my blessing’ and that He wants worshippers that worship ‘in spirit and in truth’ and that means regardless of whether I’ve had a good or bad day.

This has been a hard lesson for me to learn and I’m still in the process trust me but before I had even gotten home, one of my sisters in Christ had been round to my house to drop me a temporary phone to use. I mean really? Isn’t that just amazing? Isn’t my God a provider? I’m so grateful honestly, yesterday was the first time that I thought honestly God I don’t know how I’m going to get myself out of this one.

The beauty of this is that I can honestly say that I communicated with him throughout my day trusting and believing that He loves and cares for me. I chose not to believe the lies that I previously had that ‘I have to get myself out of this and that I’m alone in this.’ Instead I showed Faith by going to fellowship. There, I felt his presence and I had a peace and Joy that I couldn’t really explain.

Thank you Father for this Testimony, I am Grateful. I know that you allow things to happen in my life for a reason. Thank you for allowing me to rise from this situation. I praise you Lord.

To end, this is the verse that Minister Nike spoke about today and I think that it really ties in with my experience.

Proverbs 19:21 AMPLIFIED VERSION We Humans keep brainstorming options and plans but it is the Lords plan that prevails.

With Love



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