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Life as a Help Meet

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

Genesis 2:18 (NIV)

The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Eve was created to be a helper to Adam. She was created to support encourage and strengthen her spouse. No wonder the Bible says that ‘a man who finds a wife finds a good thing.’

My parents are divorced so I’ve spent most of my life going back and forth from where my mum lives to my dads.

However, I have spent a very significant amount of time living with my Father from the age of 12 and he hasn’t remarried so it’s just been me and him.

This has meant that I’ve had to take on the responsibility of keeping the household like cooking and cleaning (Something that I’ve despised not going to lie). Seriously, me and my Dad have contended so much and I’ve struggled to submit to his authority.

However, as I was assisting him this morning doing his washing. I realised that I was acting as a help meet. I know my dad so well now that I know what he needs help with. I  helped him to manage his time because he was afraid of getting to work late. I showed him how to use the washing machine facilities (the one at home has been broken for a while now, I’ve been bugging him to get it fixed) I helped him find the quickest bus route to work and I watched him run to the bus stop through the window.

Now I am going to spread his clothes so they can dry while he is at work.

These things are becoming more natural to me as I am growing and will prepare me to be a wife.

I’ve never really given that idea much thought but someone at a Women’s meeting that I went to was giving a word about how God had been showing her her hidden faults. She snapped at her dad because he had interrupted her during her time in prayer and the Holy Spirit said to her ‘That’s how you’re going to talk to your husband!’ Immediately she repented and ran after him and apologised.

God gives us parents to train us on important character development. So that we can handle the next stage of our lives (Luke 16:10), I’ve heard different people from different faiths say that ‘life is a test’ and I agree. God is always watching, and He wants to bless us but we must past the tests that we are given before we can get our rewards.

If you’ve gotten this far, I want to say thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

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God bless you




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